• navtej@ruprahlegal.co.in
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Banking, Finance and Insurance Legal Services

Banking, Finance and Insurance Legal Services

Today, the field of banking, finance and insurance has undergone a drastic transformation whereby there are a lot of cross border transactions which take place on a daily basis. Moreover, there are also lot of international companies whether banking or financial or insurance providers which are setting up offices in India and vice versa.  It is owing to all these factors that the field of financial, banking and insurance legal services becomes crucial.

  • In the wake of diverse businesses and industries setting up in the country as well as overseas, and giving a tremendous boost to the economy of a country at large, Governments as well as International financial organizations began to realize the need for having regulations and framework. Particularly, in the case of cross-border transactions, such need is felt even more. It is here that Banking, financial and insurance legal service providers’ role becomes crucial.
  • The Banking, finance and insurance legal services assumed immense significance in the recent years owing to the complex financial transactions taking place not just domestically but also internationally;
  • However, this area is extremely volatile and sensitive owing to the reliability on so many factors more particularly on how the positive or negative a country’s economy is faring.