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Civil and Corporate Litigation Services

Civil and Corporate Litigation Services

Changing facets of Civil and Corporate Litigation Services

Initially, the law was broadly categorized under two main areas namely, civil and criminal. But today, there is one more branch of law namely Corporate law. Civil and corporate litigation involves the determination of all the non-criminal legal issues and disputes between two or more people with the intention of either seeking legal performance of a contract or if that is not a possibility, then to award damages and compensation to the aggrieved party to minimize or eliminate any loss suffered by the aggrieved party.

 Corporate Law, one of the recent inventions in law, involves the adjudication of disputes as well as managing all the legal affairs of a company. It is the prime corpus of corporate law. The law is a dynamic profession where there are some new developments taking place every single day. What law was ten years back is not at all what it is practiced today.

Even the branches of law have undergone a serious transformation whereby there are new and diverse branches and sub-branches of the law coming up. Today law is not just limited to courtrooms, forums, alternate dispute resolutions but goes even beyond all this. So to sum it up, today sky is the limit for any legal professional with so many diverse options available at the disposal of a legal professional.

Key aspects of

Civil and Corporate Litigation

Let us go through a comparative analysis of what these areas of law deal with:

  • While Criminal litigation involves adjudication of any harm, physical or otherwise by an appropriate court; Corporate litigation is basically adjudication of any company related dispute by a relevant authority;
  • Civil and corporate litigation procedures are more or less similar. Both these fields are largely dependent on the finesse, accuracy as well as the precision of a lawyer’s drafting skills. It is through the words written in black and white that helps the judge or any adjudicating authority to get a first-hand glimpse of the dispute or matter.
  • Civil and Corporate Litigation services involve researching, reviewing and drafting of contracts, agreements of any type and kind.
  • Once the drafting part is taken care of, the next crucial part is of oral pleadings. Pleadings are nothing but a test of how effectively and efficiently a lawyer convinces the judge or an adjudicating authority. Both civil and corporate litigation relies heavily on the lawyer’s command over the language as well as his persuasiveness when it comes to convincing the authority.